You’re burned out, stressed out, and exhausted. You know something is missing, but there is not enough time in the day to figure out what it is, let alone seek it out. But you know something has to give, because you can’t keep going like this.


Re-membering Self is a creative space to find the answers, deep within. Its a support system for getting centered and learning that you don’t have to choose between you and them (whoever they may be - kids, spouse, boss, friends, clients, anyone). We are creating a self feeding system, where the more you care for yourself, the more energy you have to devote to those who depend on you.

This is a space for internal exploration. Bring a headlamp with you, because we are going DEEP.

Our tools will be journaling and visual explorations.

Okay, but WHY?

This is a deeply alchemical process, because when we self sabotage (like, we when give away all of our time, attention, and care to others, leaving none for ourselves), its almost always the subconcious at work. We say we want to take a nap, but some part of us feels like we don’t deserve it or we have to “earn” it. We think we want to learn to play the ukulele, but some part of us thinks we “just aren’t musical,” in any way. (Okay, the second one was a personal example. The first one was decided not. Naps are life!)

On the road in front of you, there is a sign. It says “this way to…” The rest is obscured from where I stand. The sign is not for me. Only you can see what it says. Or, you can’t see it either, but if you take a few steps forward, it will come into view.

There are two paths that begin here: germination and seedlinghood.
They overlap in the beginning. One just goes deeper into the wilderness. Both will engage an exploration of that nagging feeling that something is missing and what we can do about it. (You do not need to possess any sort of skill for any of the exercises involved. This is about discovery, not about creating things to hang on a wall or publish in a book.)

The path to germination:

Here, we will be using the tools of journal writing and photography. To begin, we open a practice of reflective journaling, guided by prompts to help you go deep into whatever obstacles are barring you from remembering yourself (remembering on a day to day level, and on a lifecycle level).

We will be searching for clues here. Invitations that pull us into further exploration. Whatever makes you pause, choke up, or sigh is a great place to start. Once we’ve chosen the piece that is calling for our attention, we begin a photo adventure to create a visual representation of that feeling.

This does not have to be a literal translation. If it makes sense to you, that’s all that matters. Once we have our photo (or series of photos), we will return to our journaling to process what we’ve learned.

You don’t need a fancy camera for this. Your cell phone is all you need.

The path to seedlinghood:

This path starts in the same way, going through the journaling and the photo adventure, then adds a deeper practice, in which we will use mixed media painting as an intuitive tool to uncover deeper messages from our subconscious minds. I’ve been an artist for almost four decades, and I’ve only recently discovered what a powerful practice it is to not just express a feeling through painting, but to listen deeply to what they are trying to tell us.

I cannot stress this enough. You do not need any “artistic skill” whatsoever. If you can hold a pencil to make a mark, you can do this. I have specifically designed this to be accessible even if you have never held a paintbrush.

Once we have our piece complete (or once it starts talking, because they don’t always feel like waiting!), we will return to our journal to document the messages and process them.

If all of this sounds great, but your not ready to join the membership, please join my free facebook group, Remembering Self, were we will be engaging in deep conversation about all things related to self discovery, being in service to others, burnout, and inspiration.

Re-membering: Seedling
Every month

Re-membering: Germination
Every month