Being a Beginner

These tiny sprouts make me ridiculously happy!

These tiny sprouts make me ridiculously happy!

“The difference between a person who creates - and one who does not - often has less to do with talent and more to do with a willingness to wrestle with the doubts and discomforts that accompany the creative journey.”- Cathy Wild (Wild Ideas: Creativity from the Inside Out)


I am not widely known for my green thumb. In fact, just this past year, I managed to kill a jade plant. (How is that even possible? A jade plant? Come on!)

But, being an eternal optimist, I planted a handful of flowers and some old containers while laying out the vegetable bed we decided to build this year. (Fortunately for the vegetables, they won't have to rely solely on me for their survival.)

Today, my husband told me that he noticed some tiny sprouts. I went to investigate and there they were! A scattering of bachelor buttons and a wildflower mix for bees sprouting up from the soil. So tiny. So magical. There are few simple pleasures more delightful than watching a seed begin to sprout.

This is equally true of metaphorical sprouting. The magic contained in a new project or ideas palpable. Possibilities abound. The air crackles with potential. How will this unfold?

For many of us, now is the perfect time to try something new. Big or small, it doesn't matter. You'd be amazed at what you can accomplish in 5 to 10 minute increments if you practice it daily(ish).

What new thing are you engaged in or what do you want to try? Is there something you've always wanted to learn? Drop a comment here or in the social link and let me know! I'd love to hear. For me, it’s making fairy woodland wedding dresses! I have very little idea what I’m doing with it. I’ll be learning as I go. My first few may be awful. And you  know what? THAT’S OKAY! Each one will be less awful than the one before. That’s how skill develops. Would you be annoyed at a sprout for not producing fruit the minute it pops out of the ground? Of course not. Please extend that same level of realistic expectations to your own process. (Also, I’m about to learn to shuttle tat so I can make my own lace! Whaaaaat?)

Today's prompt: take 10 minutes to start something. If you're done in 10 minutes, great! If not, keep going in tiny increments. Let me know in words or photos what you're up to. I can't wait to see! Use the hashtag #seektinydelights and tag me on Instagram or Facebook @thekimfluence so we can all be inspired by it!

On my mind:

  • There is very little, outside of the natural world, that satisfies my aesthetic as deeply as piles of cream colored lace. The thought of being able to make my own has me positively giddy!

  • Making new friends that share a passion with you is an indescribably pleasurable experience. If you don’t know anyone who shares your interest(s), seek them out online. I have friends all over the world who share various interests. We keep one another motivated and inspired. It’s a wonderful blessing.

  • I am not a naturally organized person. I tend to forget things exist the moment I am done using them. As you might imagine, this leads to a cluttered environment. I can work that way, up to a point. Eventually the mess becomes overwhelming, and I can’t find anything. By that point, it’s often difficult to even start on it. I have discovered a wonderful way around that. Remember the old joke about playing “52 Pickup”? (For those of you who are unfamiliar, someone invites you to play and when you agree, they fling the cards down on the ground and tell you to see how fast you can pick them up.) Well, it actually works beautifully or decluttering. I tell myself I’m just going to pick up 52 things. If I lose count, I have to start back with the last number I remember for certain. (This usually means it’s more like 75-150 pickup, because…hey look! squirrel!) By the time I make it to 52, I am either done, or I’m on a roll. I find giving myself a goal, after which I can stop if I want makes it far easier to get started than I would if I decided to clean a specific area, because who knows how long that might take? If 52 is too much, you could do 22, or 12 (or even 1, if you’re really struggling). If this helps you in any way, I’d love to know!